Stewardship 365
Stewardship365, Holy Currencies Kaleidoscope Institute Stewardship365, Holy Currencies Kaleidoscope Institute

Stewardship 365

Stewardship365 is an online or on-site curriculum that empowers local congregations to expand their vision of stewardship beyond money to include the currencies of relationship, truth, wellness, gracious leadership, time and place. Through this process, participants will create a year-around stewardship movement enabling the congregation to shift from maintenance to mission, from scarcity to abundance and from fear to grace.

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Mutual Ministry Review

Mutual Ministry Review

Mutual Ministry Review (MMR) is a facilitated process that enables congregations and organizations to reflect on and strengthen their work by discovering and learning from their gifts, strength, struggles and challenges; strengthening and sometimes recovering relationships and leadership network; understanding the impact of their history, and exploring future opportunities.

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